Industrial + Safety + Outdoor + Medical
Serving the GTA and beyond, our workplace safety and emergency response programs cater to workers and recreationists from various backgrounds. Outdoor and remote medical, industrial and construction safety, and more. Our training programs are delivered to standards approved by various agencies, including The Canadian Red Cross, Ontario Ministry of Labour, TSSA (Technical Standards & Safety Authority), and Energy Safety Canada, to name a few.
Commitment to community.
If we aren't instructing, we're occupied in the fields of emergency, safety, rescue and protection, or making the most of outdoor pursuits. When it comes to training, our varied backgrounds bring unique perspectives to the delivery. Trainees engaged in practical and engaging training experiences are more likely to function confidently in an emergency situation or more likely to invest in a culture of safety in the workplace. Our philosophy? People helping people to help people.
Convenient and cost-effective.
IRESCUE TRAINING has a reputation for delivering last-minute training to individuals and companies under pressure. Whether it's that training ticket you need to start work this week, or group training for your staff to maintain compliance, we provide cost effective solutions for individuals and organizations alike. Group rates are available. Free training is available to individuals who organize their own group sessions. And unlike most, we can bring the training to you!
Thank you for choosing the IRESCUE solution. Let us know how we can be of service!